Online PIISA – Webinar
30 January 2025
30 January 2025
Online, 14:00 – 16:00 UTC
This webinar will delve into the practical applications of nature-based solutions and green roofs as a sustainable solution to address climate change challenges and promote adaptation. The webinar is the first in a series of PIISA project webinars, which are focusing on the work done in the PIISA pilots. This webinar is organized by Green roof pilot, which studies how insurances can stimulate the adoption of urban nature-based solutions, specifically green roofs. The first stage of the pilot has focused on the Netherlands. The next step is exploring the applicability of green roofs as an adaptation measure promoted by insurers in the Boreal region.
In this webinar you will hear about the work and results of the pilot so far. The aim is also to explore how the insights from the Netherlands could be applicable to the Boreal region. The webinar is open to everyone interested and we are especially hoping for professionals from the Boreal region to participate in this webinar.
Webinar Agenda:
Adapting to climate risks through green roofs: insights from the Netherlands
- 14.00 – 14.05
Heikki Tuomenvirta, from the Finnish Meteorological Institute
- 14.05 – 14.15
Green roofs upscaling in the Netherlands
Jan Henk Tigelaar, from Rooftop Revolution
- 14.15 – 14.30
Green roofs: examples and insights from Finland
Helena Määttä, from Tyrsky Consulting
- 14.30 – 14.50
What are the benefits of green roofs? Insights from Dutch household survey
Georges Farina, from Stichting VU - Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM)
- 14.50 – 15.10
Dutch insurers & nature-based solutions for climate adaptation
Simone Kroes & Lisette Klok, from Climate Adaptation Services (CAS)
- 15.10 – 15.50
- Interactive session and discussion
- 15.50 – 16.00
- Closing