About us

PIISA stands for “Piloting Innovative Insurance Solutions for Adaptation” and is a 3-year Research and Innovation Action funded under the Horizon Europe programme within the call “HORIZON-MISS-2022-CLIMA-01”. The partnership brings together 12 organisations from 5 European countries, and will co-develop climate resilient insurance portfolios, as well as develop solutions for sharing losses and climate risk data.

12 Partners
5 Countries
36 Months
5 Pilots

PIISA Pilots

The partners of PIISA believe that piloting and demonstrating is the key to continuous learning. That is why we, through five different PIISA pilots, will develop innovative concepts, advanced products, and services that aim to enable co-creation with stakeholders and potential users. Pilots focus on novel solutions that combat economic, social, and environmental consequences of increasing climate risks throughout Europe.

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